Resource & Research Library
Highlighted below are research reports and activities relevant to the IWCA mission. Please contact us if you have credible resources with a global or regional focus to recommend.
IWCA Reports and Publications
IWCA Insights: COVID-19 Impacts in Coffee Communities. Frontline feedback form Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East.
COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 & Coffee Industry
Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) Community-Contributed database of resources, including sources relevant for all roles in coffee.
Novel Coronavirus & Coffee: Resources and FAQs collected by the National Coffee Association (NCA).
Supply Chain & Logistics updates in countries monitored by Sucafina.
Ports & Warehouses updates in countries monitored by Sustainable Harvest.
ICO Coffee Break Series, Impact of COVID-19 on the Global Coffee Sector: the Demand Side.
COVID-19 & Women’s Health, Economic Impact
UN Policy Brief: The Impact of COVID-19 on Women. Published April 2019.
United Nations (UN) information related to surge in domestic violence against women.
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) information and support for women suffering unseen impacts of COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 and Gender Equality: Six Actions for the Private Sector. International Finance Corporation.
COVID-19 & Global Economy and Community Health
Statisa: Includes facts, maps, and reports at the country, regional, and global levels.
Preliminary exploration of potential differences in COVID-19 impact for women and men from the World Economic Forum, The Coronavirus fallout may be worse for women than men. Here’s Why.
World Health Organization (WHO) Rolling Updates on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and COVID-19: hub IMF resources related to COVID-19. Includes national- and multinational-analyses & insights.
IMF COVID-19 Policy Tracker: Index of policy updates by country; updated on an ongoing basis.
Coronavirus: Guidance for Better Mental Health, a guide from the Rehab for Addiction organization.
Anti-Racism and AllyShip
African-American and Minority Representation in the Coffee Industry
Race and Specialty Coffee. June 2020 webinar with Candice Madison, Director of Roasting at The Crown: Royal Coffee Lab & Tasting Room, and Phyllis Johnson, noted author and founder and president of BD Imports. See also: Open Letter to the US Coffee Industry on Racism.
Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) Roundtable: A Conversation with Black CEOs featuring Jeanine Niyonzima-Aroian, Phyllis Johnson, Gilber Gatali, and Keba Konte. June 2020.
Strong Black Coffee, Why Aren’t More African-Americans More Prominent in the Coffee Industry. December 2018 article written by Phyllis Johnson for Roast Magazine.
Building Diverse and Inclusive Communities. Video of April 2018 Re:Co Symposium presentation by Michelle Johnson.
Changing Tides: Building Diverse and Inclusive Communities. Video of April 2018 Re:Co Symposium Panel moderated by Colleen Anunu.
Allyship & Anti-racism
How to Be an Ally if You Are a Person with Privilege. Article by Frances E. Kendall, Ph.D. posted to the Seattle Community Network.
How to Talk About Race: A Where Change Started action guide by L. Glenise Pike.
An Open Letter to the US Coffee Industry on Racism. June 11, 2020, Phyllis Johnson.
Two Centuries of Enslaved Labor: The Contributions of Blacks in the Early Americas Coffee Trade. August 4, 2020. Coffee Review
Slavery and Specialty: Discussing Coffee’s Black History. March 2019 article in Perfect Daily Grind.
New York Times 1619 Project. Launched in August 2019, the focus is to place consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the center of the national narrative.
Recently Released Research & Reports
Topics Related To Coffee Sector Sustainability
International Trade Centre, “More from the Cup: Better Returns for East African Coffee Producers.” September 2020.
International Coffee Organization (ICO) Overview of the 2019 Coffee Development Report, "Growing for Prosperity: Economic viability as the catalyst for a sustainable coffee sector.” September 2019.
“Making farmers better off by tackling the whole of the value chain” is a blogpost summary by World Bank Economist, Markus Goldstein of the paper published by Macchiavello and Miquel-Florensa, “Buyer-Driven Upgrading in Global Value Chains (GVCs): The Sustainable Quality Program in Colombia”. Blogpost published September 2019, paper published August 2019.
Topics Specific to Women in Coffee
“Field Survey Initiative: A Capture of Exploratory Data to Understand Challenges Facing Jamaican Women in Coffee.”Anne-Teresa Birthwright, PhD. Board Treasurer and Field Survey Initiative Lead, Jamaican Women in Coffee (JaWiC).
“Women in Coffee: Analysis of women’s participation and opportunities for growth in coffee value chains in Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam.” USAID Green Invest Asia. 2019
“Women’s Land Rights, Processes of Empowerment, and Data Needs in the Coffee Global Value Chain: A Framework and Review of Available Evidence.” Priscilla Fisher, Floozy Coffee Roasters. 2019
“Gender Equality in the Coffee Sector: An Insight Report from the International Coffee Organization.” International Coffee Organization (ICO). October 2018.
"Coffee Certifications as Potential Pathways to Women’s Empowerment in Costa Rica." Laura N. Stein, University of Montana, Missoula. 2017.
Overview of Published Reports on Women in Coffee: 2015 - 2018
Overview of Published Reports on Women in Coffee: 2015 - 2018, updated in March 2019, was completed by a group of reviewers convened by IWCA volunteers. With this document, we hope to make it easier for researchers interested in expanding this body of literature to assess the most recent quality and types of completed works. The criteria to be on the list was that the report appeared publicly between 2015 - 2018 and the report must address gender issues in coffee directly.
IWCA Research Alliance Data
Volunteers members of the IWCA Research Alliance reported the data below in 2018 from the sources indicated for seven coffee producing countries:
Please visit the 2018 IWCA Research Alliance blogpost for additional context.
Sources for IWCA Research Alliance June 2018 Table: 2013 estimates from Instituto del Cafe de Costa Rica (ICAFE) in Costa Rica; 2013 estimates from the Consejo in El Salvador; 2016/2017 estimates from Anacafe (Guatemala); 2013 report from the Instituto Hondurevo del Café (ICAFE) Registro Nacional de Productores; Recensement General des Cafeiers Edition 2006-2007, from Institute de Statistiques Et D’Etudes Economiques du Burundi, (ISTEEBU); 2015 Coffee Census published by Rwanda's National Agricultural Export Development Board (NAEB), released May 2016; Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia (FNC).
Data PreSENTATIONS Related to Women in Coffee
INTernational Coffee Organization
In his opening speech at the 2017 IWCA Convention, Jose Sette, Executive Director of the International Coffee Organization (ICO) communicated that ICO members should not only improve their capacity to provide employment data on men and women, but also recognize the strong contributions of women.
IWCA was invited to present at a special meeting of the ICO Statistics Committee in Cote d'Ivoire on September 25, 2017. The narration of IWCA's presentation to ICO members is available on the IWCA You Tube Channel.
August 2017 IWCA Convention
The August 2017 IWCA Convention in Puebla, Mexico included presentations from several leading research organizations in the panel titled, "Quantifying Women in Coffee: Who, Where, What?". Summaries are available below:
Women in Coffee Brazil, Collaborative E-Book. Presented by Raquel Santos Soares Menezes, Dsc UFV-CRP,Universidade de Viçosa, campus Alto Paranaíba
The Importance of Data for Development of Gender Equity Programs. Presented by Claudia Rodríguez, Gender Equity Program Coordinator, Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia (FNC)
Challenges and Opportunities for Women in the Rwandan Coffee Sector
Feed the Future Africa Great Lakes Region Coffee Support Program (AGLC) Policy Roundtable. Presented by Ruth Ann Church, Michigan State University
A gallery of recent data collection, interviews, and research collaborations...
RECENT Press Describing Women in Coffee Data Effort
Coffee’s Gender Data Gap. Global Coffee Report. August 2018.
Women in the Coffee Industry: What You Should Know. Perfect Daily Grind. March 2018.
Breaking New Ground in Gender Research in Coffee. NCA Blog, The First Pull. July 2017.
Why Counting Women in Agriculture Matters. COSA. March 2017.