IWCA Case Studies
As a locally-driven, globally-connected empowerment organization, our definition impact is defined by those who achieve it. The IWCA Case Studies demonstrate the community impact of empowering women, including progress toward several UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Philippines: Women’s Leadership Creates Pathway to Peace
Philippines: Returning to Coffee Farming Builds a Future
North & Central america
El Salvador: Affordable Credit Fuels Entrepreneurial Success
Guatemala: Coffee Grafting Grows Women’s Empowerment
New! Honduras: Leading Change Through Partnerships
South America
New! Peru: Paving the Path for ALL Baristas in Peru
Please visit the IWCA Chapters List page to connect directly with IWCA Chapter Leaders or contact Blanca Castro, IWCA Chapter Manager.
**Photo above courtesy of Jeanine Niyonzima, JNP Coffees and Burundi Friends International