IWCA Chapter Formation
IWCA Chapters are self-driven organizations, focused on their unique, local needs, and united globally by the shared IWCA mission to empower women across the coffee industry. Status as an IWCA Chapter indicates the successful completion the IWCA Chapter Formation Protocol; a commitment to women’s empowerment through IWCA; and upholding the IWCA Code of Conduct.
Please visit the IWCA Chapter List to contact specific IWCA Chapter leaders. Contact Ms. Blanca Castro, IWCA Chapter Manager if you are interested in IWCA Chapter Formation.
Photo above taken at the November 2018 IWCA Asia Regional Chapter Summit held during the Hainan International Coffee Congress and Beverage Expo. Participants included leaders form 6 current IWCA Chapters and 6 IWCA Chapters in Formation.
Chapter Formation Protocol artwork created by Natalie Quach of Temple Coffee Roasters.