Spotlight on Success: IWCA Women Compete on the World Coffee Stage

Thanks to the agreement signed between Cup of Excellence and IWCA, the exceptional program that supports the positioning of the wonderful coffees produced by exceptional coffee growers, IWCA Chapter members are being able to participate at the highest level, accomplishing and competing with the best coffees produced in the world.

The collaboration of CoE’s team has been key to encourage women from IWCA Chapters to participate.  Procedures are complex and strict, but results are game changer in the way coffee produced by women could be promoted and appreciated.  IWCA Chapters in Central America are the first to join, Chapters from Africa followed. Thanks to this initiative, more women are involved and engaged. This is positive, as the work and effort from women are being recognized and appreciated.   More will come for future programs, strengthening IWCA partnership with CoE.   

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to support and celebrate the incredible contributions of women in coffee globally.

El Salvador

Congratulations to San Jose Florence Mathies, El Angel Carmen Elena de Silva, Los Pirineos Fabiola Baraona, Puerto Arturo Karla Patricia Quiros!


Congratulations to those at La Reforma Y Ascociados representing La Reforma Y Anexos farm and to Leonardo Rene Perez Hildago from Hacienda del Cafe! Congratulations to Julio Cesar Ordonez Montenegro from Los Conejos farm and to those at Negocios Commerciales Internationales representing La Bolsa farm.


Congratulations to Alma Aydee Pineda Alvarado from El Mango farm and to Joaquina Montoya Alvarado from Los Pinos Farm!


Congratulations to Sara Isabel Corrales Rivas from Santa Cruz farm!


Congratulations to Martina Luna Gaona from Tapula farms, to Julia Ortega Carballo from Los Pinos Farms, and Gema Magali  Posadas Manzano from El Rio Farms!


Celebrating the IWCA Honduras Chapter at the First CELAC Coffee Summit


Empowering Women Through Microfinance: IWCA’s Microfinance Management Training Manual Now Available in Four Languages