Recapping World of Coffee 2024: IWCA's Memorable Moments

World of Coffee Copenhagen welcomed a record-breaking 12,600+ attendees from 140 countries, marking it the largest and most diverse attendance in the event's history. We were honored and delighted to participate in this vibrant three-day event. Here's a recap of the key moments that highlighted IWCA’s involvement:

The IWCA Reception

The IWCA reception was a cornerstone event where our Executive Director, Blanca Castro, addressed attendees with inspiring updates on our global initiatives and the progress we have made as an organization. Her speech underscored the significant strides IWCA has taken in empowering women in the coffee industry. The reception also served as the platform for two landmark MoU signings:

  • MoU with the African Fine Coffees Association (AFCA): This new partnership signifies our commitment to uplifting women coffee producers in Eastern Africa and fostering thriving communities. Read the full story.

  • MoU welcoming Greece as our 35th chapter: Marilena Kouidou, president of the Greek chapter, highlighted their commitment to increasing women's participation in the coffee value chain in Greece. Read the full story.

We are deeply grateful to the Specialty Coffee Association and BWT + More for sponsoring the IWCA Reception at 2024 WOC, and to Trismocha® for providing the delicious cocktails. Trismocha’s Miss Moka project is a wonderful initiative aimed at improving the living conditions of women working in coffee plantations, including our very own Flávia Lacerda from Brazil.

Coffee Cupping Session with Cup of Excellence

In collaboration with Cup of Excellence, IWCA hosted a captivating coffee cupping session. This session was a magnet for coffee enthusiasts and professionals alike, who gathered to experience the finest coffees. The atmosphere was filled with excitement as participants engaged in tasting sessions, celebrated the craftsmanship of coffee producers, and gained deeper insights into the intricate art of coffee cupping. The event provided a unique opportunity to highlight exceptional coffees and promote a deeper appreciation for quality and origin.

IWCA Coffee Cupping Session

The IWCA coffee cupping session was one of the highlights of the event, drawing a remarkable crowd with attendees eagerly lining up out the door. The session offered a rare and thrilling opportunity to sample a wide variety of coffees from around the world, an experience that resonated deeply with European attendees. The diversity of the coffees showcased the incredible work of women coffee producers globally. The well-orchestrated event included participants from all segments of the coffee value chain, such as baristas, tasters, green coffee buyers, and more. Attendees expressed their delight at the unique flavors and profiles presented, reinforcing the significance of women's contributions to the coffee industry.

Coffee Tasting at the IWCA Booth

The coffee tasting at the IWCA booth featured 12 exquisite samples from our Venezuelan Chapter. The booth buzzed with excitement as visitors sampled the unique flavors and profiles of women-grown coffee. The event was well attended, with participants expressing their admiration for the quality and distinctiveness of the coffees. The tasting session not only highlighted the exceptional work of women in Venezuela but also provided an engaging platform for showcasing the impact of women's empowerment in the coffee sector.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to our dedicated IWCA volunteers who have been instrumental throughout World of Coffee. Your hard work and commitment have made a tremendous impact. Special thanks to Ana Tista from IWCA Philippines, Ben Bicknell from IWCA Australia, and Miguel River from IWCA Honduras for your invaluable contributions. Your dedication to our mission of empowering women in the coffee industry is truly appreciated.

A big thank you also goes out to SCA, BWT Water + More, Tresmoka, and all those who supported IWCA at WOC 2024. Your generosity and support have been crucial in enabling us to showcase the best of IWCA and continue our efforts to empower women across the coffee world. Together, we are making a significant difference in the lives of coffee producers worldwide. Thank you for being an essential part of our journey!

Celebrating Success and Looking Forward

The World of Coffee event was an incredible opportunity for IWCA to showcase our work, connect with industry professionals, and celebrate the achievements of women in coffee. We are immensely proud of the successful events and the positive feedback from attendees. As we move forward, we remain committed to our mission of empowering women in the coffee community. We look forward to more collaborations, events, and initiatives that will continue to drive positive change and support women throughout the coffee value chain.


Celebrating a New Era of Collaboration: IWCA and AFCA Sign MoU


IWCA Strengthens Global Partnerships at World of Coffee Copenhagen