2022 Reflections: A look at progress made and future goals from IWCA Executive Director, Dr. Sarada Krishnan
This year has been a whirlwind! With things opening up around the world, we learnt to live with COVID and face-to-face interactions became more common. Even though we were able to perform our work very effectively through virtual platforms, there is nothing like meeting people in person.
In 2022 IWCA welcomed three new chapters expanding our global network to 32 countries. In February, we celebrated Italy joining as our 6th consuming country chapter. In March, we welcomed Papua New Guinea, a chapter that represents 400,000 small-holder women farmers in the region. At the IWCA reception in Milan during World of Coffee, Kenya became our 32nd chapter with the signing of an MoU.
Right to left: IWCA Italy, Papua New Guinea, Kenya.
We hosted three IWCA Connects! webinars as part of our effort to provide continuing education for our chapter members and the general public.
March (English)/ May (Spanish) - Embedding transformative gender strategies in the coffee sector with International Coffee Organization (ICO)
September - Analyzing Occupational Health and Safety For Women In The Coffee Sector. Panel discussion as part of the research partnership with the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Vision Zero Fund.
November - Utilizing the International Trade Centre Coffee Guide as a Tool for Empowerment with International Trade Center (ITC).
Throughout the year, we participated in several panels, podcasts, and interviews bringing the voice of women in coffee to the forefront. At the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) expo in Boston, we organized a panel titled "Perspectives on Gender and Racial Equity: No One Size Fits All" bringing together several major actors in the field of women's empowerment to talk about the work that each organization is doing. We also delivered presentations at National Coffee Association’s (NCA) virtual convention and in Milan at the World of Coffee.
One of the highlights of the year was the professional development event in Portland, Maine organized by one of our revered donors, Mary Ellen Lindemann of Coffee by Design. The event brought together several of our chapter members for two days of immersive education and networking. Details of the event are captured in this blog.
To improve market access to women coffee producers, we organized cupping events at SCA and World of Coffee. We also published an improved coffee availability list on our website with information about our producers, facilitating direct contact between buyers and producers. Numerous connections were made between chapters and chapter members facilitating direct relationships between different sectors of the coffee industry. Notable among them are the signing of MoU between IWCA Honduras & IWCA South Korea and between IWCA Colombia & IWCA Australia.
Chapter members from IWCA Honduras and South Korea
As we wind down this remarkable year, what gets me excited to move forward is our new strategic plan. The board and staff of IWCA met in late September in Denver to chart the course of the organization for the next five years. We gathered input from our stakeholders through a survey, which helped guide us in the strategic planning process. We have identified four priority areas to create impact. These four impact pathways include:
Organizational Development
High-Impact Communications
Impactful Programs
Research and Advocacy
The final strategic plan will be presented to chapter members and stakeholders in early 2023.
All our work would not be possible without the generous support of our donors and supporters, both financial and in-kind. The year 2023 marks the 20th anniversary of IWCA. I am looking forward to engaging with all of you in our journey to create equity in the coffee industry.
Wish you all a very Happy, Joyous, Prosperous, and Successful New Year!
IWCA Executive Director
Dr. Sarada Krishnan