IWCA Chapters At-A-Glance: Africa
IWCA Chapters are independent, volunteer-driven, community impact organizations. Contact information is listed below to facilitate partnership building. Contributions can be made to specific IWCA Chapters through the IWCA Online Donations Portal.
IWCA Burundi
President: Joselyne Nineza Vice President: Rosa Paula Nahimana
2018 International Coffee Day Celebration
2,000+ members, 90%+ identify as coffee producers
Regions: Kayanza, Ngozi, Mwar et Muyinga
Strategic Priorities: increase family incomes, increase coffee quality, training for farmers
IWCA Cameroon
President: Patricia Tomaino Vice President: Rebecca Kamgue
Chapter Members celebrate International Coffee Day with a photo.
Member data collection in progress, majority are coffee producers
Regions: Western Cameroon
Strategic Priorities: farmer access to market, opening new cafe to support domestic coffee consumption & culture
IWCA Democratic Republic of Congo
President: Marie Paul Vice President: Lydie Kasonia
Also known as Initiative des Femmes dans le Cafe-Cacao
9,000+ members, 98% identify as coffee producers
Regions: all coffee growing regions in DRC
Strategic Priorities: build washing stations in rural areas, purchase professional roasting equipment, boost domestic consumption through women-owned cafes
Chapter Members at a washing station.
IWCA Ethiopia
President: Sara Yirga Vice President: Anh Yassin
Also known as Ethiopian Women in Coffee (EWiC)
45 members, including producers, exporters, & roaster/retailers
Regions: all coffee growing areas in Ethiopia
Strategic Priorities: coffee quality training, national & international partnerships, build capacity for small-holder producers, and help grow the coffee sector in the country.
IWCA Kenya
President: Josphine Ndikwe Vice President: Faith Karimi
Founded in 2022
Strategic Priorities: Market access and logistics, facilitating industry connections and knowledge sharing, and access to financing.
IWCA Rwanda
President: Immy Kamarade Vice President: Anitha Keza
Cooperative members in the GIZ-supported blockchain pilot project.
270 beneficiaries, all coffee producers
Regions: all coffee regions in Rwanda
Strategic Priorities: support rural women producers to own their own trees, build traceability partnerships
IWCA Tanzania
President: Bahati Miwilo Vice President: Ida Mkamba
Celebrating International Coffee Day.
Also known as TAWOCA (Tanzanian Women in Coffee Association)
Member data collection in progress
Regions: Mbeya, Songwe, Kilimanjar, Songea
Strategic Priorities: build capacity of Chapter, increase access to training for coffee quality and business development
IWCA Uganda
President: Doreen Rweihangwe Vice President: Ruth Lwetabe
230+ members: 68% identify as coffee producers, 26% as coffee workers
Districts: Ibanda, Mityana, Luwero, Kapchorwa, Sironko
Strategic Priorities: Lobby & advocacy, economic access & empowerment, shared decision-making training
2020 5 Region Farmer Data Collection to inform work to build advocacy network. See video documentary for more project results.
Go Fund Me Campaign to fund staff support for IWCA Uganda in Kampala (goes live on December 1).